Comics Creator Championship is open to both amateur and professional participants.
Category Definition:
Amateur: Participants who have never published a comic (either self or through a third party) in digital or physical format. A few comic strips or pages (but not long series) posted on personal social media for hobby purposes are not counted as professional work unless a substantial reader base follows them. Also, an amateur participant could be someone who is not making a living or income from creating art or comics.
Professional: Participants who have at least one or more comic-related works published in digital or physical format through any means. Suppose an artist works on commission for others or has a substantial fan following on social channels due to his art; then, in that case, such an artist will also fall in the professional category.Also, aprofessional participant could be someone who is making a living or income from creating art or comics.
Please note that:
Participants have to self-certify themselves and can be disqualified for providing wrong information.
Participants can apply in a team of two people maximum. This is done to allow a writer and an illustrator to work jointly on comics. However, any category of artists can form a team of two.
There is no age limit in both amateur and professional categories.
Individual / Team Participation
Participants can apply in a team of two people maximum. This is done to allow a writer and an illustrator to work jointly on comics. However, any category of artists can form a team of two. If a team wins, the prize money will be, by default, divided between the two members.
Art Style
The Comics Creator Championship accepts a wide range of art styles and mediums, including:
- Color and black & white (B&W) artwork
- Manga and non-manga styles
- Inked and non-inked artwork
- Digital artwork created using software or apps
- Traditional paper-based artwork
Please note that AI-generated artwork is not accepted. The Championship is designed to showcase original creative skills and talents, and all other art styles and mediums are fair game, so feel free to experiment and express yourself!
To apply, please submit your work through the “Apply Here” section of our website in Vertical Page Format (9.5 Inch x 6.5 Inch) as Hi-Res JPG files (up to 5 MB), with each page uploaded separately. Please note that uploading a cover is optional at this stage.